IT’S HAPPENING!!! Starting today, you’ll find us at our new address: Weisskirchener Straße 3, 61449 Steinbach, Germany

DONATH Relocation has successfully renewed our EuRA Global Quality Seal Plus certification! 🎉

DONATH Relocation has successfully renewed our EuRA Global Quality Seal Plus certification!

ISO 9001 und ISO 14001


Donath has once again successfully passed the prestigious ISO 9001 and ISO 14001 certifications.

virtual visits donath moving relocation

🌿Virtual visits for more sustainability

Virtual visits for more sustainability! This allows us to significantly reduce CO2 emissions.

EuRA conference donath relocation 2023 dublin

DONATH Relocation at the EuRA conference – DUBLIN

DONATH Relocation at the EuRA conference in Dublin. This year participated Penny and Andrea from DONATH Relocation. It was a great time to catch-up with old friends and meet new ones.

Tesla, Umwelt, E-Auto

🌿 Environmentalprotection at DONATH – our first electric car!

Here it is: Our first electric car! Environmentalprotection is a very important part of our corporate policy. Therefore, we do everything in our power to optimize our operational activities and performance in all our business areas.

fidi faim plus certification donath

We passed the FIDI FAIM Plus certification with full marks!

We passed the FIDI FAIM Plus certification with full marks! The quality assessment by FIDI Global Alliance is the toughest and most strenuous in the industry and we are very proud that we received our certification again.

confern auszeichnung donath

WOW! 8th place among 50 confern companies!

We participated in the confern system partner meeting 2022 and were awarded 8th place among all confern companies.

confern Donath Mitarbeitr des Jahres Umzug

WOW! Our employee, Thorsten Meurer, was elected employee of the year

Our long time employee, Thorsten Meurer, was elected employee of the year among all confern companies!!!

excellence award donath relocation

WOW! Another award for Donath!

We have received the Circle of Excellence Award from Aires the 3rd Quarter in 2021. This award is a great achievement and we are pleased to be honored with this service award.